I'm a junior at the University at Buffalo pursuing a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science. I love solving problems and enjoy challenges that require innovation and creativity. My passion lies in building new things and I'm particularly fascinated with machine learning. Whenever I get the opportunity, I like to attend hackathons and network defense competitions. Currently I'm working as a remote software eningeering intern at a start-up called Kryptonite, as an undergraduate research assistant for professor Bina Ramamurthy and as a software tester for the UB Nanosatellite Lab. On campus, I'm invloved with the UB CSE advisory board where we act as the bridge between CSE students and faculty and am also involved with the UB ACM where I attend regular work sessions for the newest technologies. Landing an internship for the upcoming spring and summer is my biggest priority right now.
My interests outside of programming lie in music and gaming. Whenever I'm not learning something new or honing my problem-solving skills, I usually practice on my guitars, listen to music or grind out some rank matches on League of Legends.
>>> Aunik.Summarize(3)
['Motivated to create meaningful software', 'Enjoys Collaboration', 'Self-Driven']